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Other Information and Costs
There are two project vehicles that make monthly trips to Mpanda, Kigoma and Uvinza. Uvinza is a large village with a regular, albeit limited, market, and small guesthouses. Kigoma, on Lake Tanganyika, has an airport, some larger hotels, 2 ATMs, and multiple internet cafes and pharmacies. Mpanda offers similar facilities and is the Regional capital, and administrative authority over the area where the station is located. Staple foods and fresh produce can be purchased in all three towns, but Kigoma has the largest variety of both. Typically, the station manager spends two nights here at the end of each month, and students and researchers can accompany him/her for this period. Students, researchers, and volunteers are expected to follow a similar work schedule to all others, whereby for every three days worked, one ‘rest’ day is earned. These ‘rest’ days may be used at the station, or be saved and used together for holiday or travel.
All visiting researchers are required to pay for necessary Tanzanian governmental research agencies TAWIRI and COSTECH research permits, which should be approved by these agencies prior to arriving in the country. We can assist with this process but applications are recommended to be initiated at least four months prior to the desired start date. Thus researchers need to initiate correspondence with us with sufficient time for facilitation of this process.