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Vacancies and Internships

Photo by T. Kakarala/GMERC
There are currently no paid or unpaid vacancies at the long-term field station (Issa). Please check back here from time to time for opportunities that we are able to support.
However, GMERC hopes to soon be seeking applicants to participate a chimpanzee-centred survey in the corridor between Mahale Mountains-Katavi NP for ~4-months beginning in September 2024. Responsibilities will include collecting data on mammal (especially chimpanzee) presence, deploying camera traps and acoustic sensors, and potentially analyzing data and writing reports/manuscripts.
Candidates should have an undergraduate degree in a related field, be responsible, organized, independent, resourceful, and get along well and easily with others, as the position requires long periods in the field with a team comprised of other members of the survey team. Flexibility is critical as often scheduling changes at the last minute! Field experience beyond University as well as knowledge of survey techniques and chimpanzee behaviour/ecology are desirable, but not required.
Interested applicants should create a SINGLE .PDF file that includes a cover letter, updated CV, and the names of two references, emailed to sokwemtu@gmerc.org. Please also include a short paragraph on what you identify as an important knowledge gap in chimpanzee distribution/abundance/biology in this region and why knowledge of wildlife corridor habitats are important for conservation practitioners. We hope to begin reviewing applications imminently.