Listen to the soundscape of Western Tanzania
Support GMERC
We are grateful to numerous funding bodies, institutions, and individuals that over the years have supported our work and helped us study and protect wild chimpanzees. Most notably is the UCSD/Salk Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA), with whom we have worked annually since 2011. For more on the CARTA-GMERC relationship, see the below short videos on this very unique relationship!
Specific research projects at the site have been supported by the following organizations, to which we are very grateful: ARCUS Foundation
Carnegie Trust for Universities of Scotland
Flora and Fauna International
Harold Hyam Wingate Foundation
International Primatological Society
Jane Goodall Institute
L.S.B. Leakey Foundation
National Geographic
National Science Foundation
Royal Anthropological Institute
The Nature Conservancy/Tuungane Project
UCSD Committee on Research
United States Fish and Wildlife Great Apes Fund
Wenner Gren Foun